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Financial Tips for the Sandwich Generation The Newton 2 Apartment at Ciputra World 2 Jakarta

Financial Tips for the Sandwich Generation

21 September 2020

Financial Tips for the Sandwich Generation

Are you the sandwich generation? If yes, then you know the feeling of being "sandwiched" and find it hard to save your income for your financial goal. It's not something to regret.

Let's have a look on some tips on managing finance for the sandwich generation #Better2day #thenewton2

  1. Arrange Your Cash Flow
    Try to earn twice that your expenses to have positive cash flow. You can take a side job, or try a new business to earn more.
  2. Determine Your Priority Scale
    Priority scale is very important in financial planning. Define your priority to ensure you are spending wisely.
  3. Encourage Financial Independence to Your Kids
    It may not be easy, but teach your kids the importance of savings to build their knowledge regarding finance since they are young.
  4. Don't Forget About Your Retirement Savings
    One of the reasons why the sandwich generation is so stressed is because they're lack preparation in retirement
  5. Take Time For Yourself
    When you spend a lot of time caring for and thinking about others, don't forget to take care of yourself, like going for a walk or calling your best friend.

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